A unique agronomic intelligence for each crop

We know where to look and what is important to evaluate

The AgroPro Monitor platform is based on Integrated Pest Management (IPM), strengthening the non-chemical means of control essential for pest and disease management. The rational use of pesticides causes less impact on the environment and less residual effect on food, and allows the action of nature in the balance of pest populations.

The Monitor enables the anticipation of phytosanitary problems and adaptation to the agronomic reality of the area, allowing decisions based on scientific surveys of insect, mite and disease populations, combined with the value of area production and the cost of any treatments.

With a unique agronomic intelligence, developed over 30 years of scientific research and practice in crops all over Brazil, AgroPro Monitor has specific methodologies for assessing field problems, unique action levels and criticality in the interpretation of data collected for each providing accurate results for decision making in the rational use of pesticides and the use of biopesticides.

Proven Solution

  • Idea Conception

    March 1987
  • First version paper and excel (600 ha cabbage)

    February 2000
  • Second version paper and excel (600 ha tomato)

    September 2002
  • Third version paper and excel, and Palmtop (4 thousand ha grains and vegetables)

    February 2003
  • Fourth version and first Java version (40 thousand ha)

    August 2012
  • Second version Java (50 thousand ha)

    August 2013
  • Modules from other cultures

    August 2014
  • 60 thousand ha all over Brazil

    October 2015
  • October 2017